I have a hefty number of updates I'd like to make, however, I have to find the time to do so. I've been writing, researching, designing, and brainstorming at a tornado-like rate. I'm at that point where I'm brewing coffee at odd hours and finding myself eating strange(r) combinations of foods for "meals." Such as toffee chocolate and gourmet olives. Thanksgiving break offered me the near solitude of family in lieu of my ever expanding group of friends and excessive rest, though I did somehow barely manage to finish the first formal paper I've written in about four-and-a-half years. I used to furnish 15-page-papers in a span of 3 hours; I may have lost my touch.
Photos of recent work to come soon.
Some images I've collected of late as inspiration for projects/personal style/beautiful photog in general:

Cool post! The last line is so true, lol. Always good to see real people writing blogs i'll follow