The mounds of work are burying me all avalanche-like already! Just thought I'd make that known. I don't like M.I.A. Tam ... her social attendance record is atrocious. I'm really hoping I won't have to miss any birthdays this year for schoolwork. So very many strange assignments this week.
Anyway, I should've gotten a lot more done tonight, but distractions have been darting around in my work bubble for far too long. One of which is the above image stolen from my friend's always inspirational tumblr (yes, colie, I still keep up with it...you know I love your eye!)
I do like the way this was presented - it's personal yet upfront. Sometimes I think literacy is a curse ... all this crazy stuff that's been put into my head thanks to publications from the New Yorker to various blogs to my trashy vacation tabloid indulgences (thanks, Grandma). It's like this stew of words that occasionally makes no sense, especially when translated into something auditory. A bit mind boggling sometimes, no?
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